Carol Hightower Parker, Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling
Primary Research Focus
- School Counselor Reform
- Spirituality and Clinical Mental Health
- Leadership
- Policy in Counseling and Public Education
Professional Biography
Dr. Carol Hightower Parkeris an associate professor in the Department of Counseling for the College of Education at Texas Southern University. Dr. Parker has served in various positions in public school and higher education over the past 30 years, including counselor, building administrator in secondary education, dean, and vice president for enrollment management. As a servant leader in the profession, she served on the inaugural Foundation Board of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). She is a licensed professional counselor-supervisor and certified school counselor.
Dr. Parker is passionate about teaching, professional mental health services in the local and global community. In addition to her service in schools, Dr. Parker has worked to promote counseling and improve clinical practice in presentations and consultations in Maua, Kenya, Pécs, Hungary, and Vilnius, Lithuania. She received the Inductee Award of the Texas Southern University College of Education 4th Annual Hall of Fame, the Sam Houston State University College of Education Outstanding Civic Engagement Award and the Leadership and Service Award from the Houston-Harris County Retired Teachers Association.
Courses Taught
- COUN 611
- COUN 735
- COUN 845
- COUN 860
- COUN 917
Professional Licenses or Certificates
- Mid-Management
- Counselor
- Secondary English (6-12)
- Vocational Home Economics
Academic Degrees
- Ed.D in Counselor Education
- MA in Early Childhood Education
- BAT in Home Economics